Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Eli's Graduation

I'm a little behind on posting about Eli's graduation that occurred last Saturday! We had so much fun with all of our family who came to show their support! Everyone arrived on Friday! We ate dinner and then several of us went to the University of Idaho Holiday Concert--a traditional event that Eli and I have attended for the past three years!
On Saturday, we attended Eli's graduation! As you can see from the pictures below, he was SO excited! He worked really hard to earn his degree in Business! We are all so very proud of his accomplishments! Might I brag a little? He is a first generation college graduate!!!

Eli immediately following graduation!

Eli with his mom, Rena, dad, Steve, and littlest brother, Sam!

(Granddad, Grandmom, my mom, Judy, my dad, Leon, Eli, me, my sister, Amanda, and brother-in-law, Randy)
Go Vandals!!!

Kappa Sigma Brothers! Eli and my dad!

After graduation and pictures everyone came over to our place where we enjoyed some yummy food, drank some wine, shared in a champagne toast, and played Catch Phrase!

Everyone was planning on leaving first thing Sunday morning, but as luck would have it, our first snow storm hit. The highway between Moscow and Lewiston was shut down. So, needless to say, everyone came back over that morning for breakfast! I can't lie, I was kind of happy the road got closed because I really didn't want everyone to leave...especially Amanda and Randy!

All in all, we had a lot of fun! Eli took all of his finals this last week and passed this semester with one of the highest GPA's of his college career!

Congrats Eli! I'm SO proud of you!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Snowing, snowing...

So we made it to my parent's house safe and sound! The roads were great once we got on the freeway outside of Boise...however, I'm a little nervous about making it back home. There is currently a winter storm watch in Preston with the snow falling rapidly and the roads back to Moscow look horrible according to the Idaho Transportation website! Hopefully the snow will let up early in the week to allow sometime for the roads to be clear for our travels home!

Yesterday Eli and I attended my Grandparents 60th wedding anniversary party. Their anniversary is the day after Christmas! We enjoyed a wonderful meal prepared by my sister, Amanda, my mom, and my Aunt Linda; we gobbled up some cake, and enjoyed a slideshow of our family that began almost 60 years ago! My grandparents were sooo adorable throughout the party! All in all, it was a great day!

Well I better get going, we're planning on meeting my Mom in Logan to finish up our Christmas shopping! I can't wait for Christmas and Christmas Eve--my two favorite family parties of the YEAR!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Can anyone tell me how to make the picture of Eli and me smaller so that it will fit in the box? Eli's cute and all, but I would really like the entire picuture, not just a close up of him!!! THANK YOU!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kissing Santa

Don't tell Eli but I was caught kissing Santa! :)

Actually, Eli volunteered to play Santa for the school I work at! All of the children worked really hard to prepare for a Christmas Concert for their parents! At the end, Eli came out to greet the children...it was SOOOO adorable! He is so great with children! Afterwards the kids were able to get pictures taken with Santa, so of course, I jumped in line and this is my favorite! Can you even tell that it's him???
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys the last minute shopping!

Monday, December 15, 2008


Finally, we have chosen to enter the blog world, or should I say, I have chosen to join the blog world since Eli could care less! I've really enjoyed looking at other's blogs and thought it would be fun to share our happenings with all of you! As everyone says in their first blog, it's going to take some time figuring this out, but hopefully I will get the hang of it! More to come....