Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Say a prayer

My sorority sister from college, April, and her husband, Brad, could use a few extra prayers right now. Monday night her 28 year old husband suffered a heart attack and is currently in the ICU....

Makes me realize how precious life is...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Leavin' on a jet plane...

We're flying out of Pullman and into Boise today for my sister, Amanda's, baby shower! It should be a lot of fun! It's just Addison and me going; Eli is staying home to work and take care of the puppies :(. I'm sure all will go well, but I'm nervous about going alone and I just know I'm forgetting something! I have been packing and packing...all for a SHORT trip! How can one little tiny baby cause me to take SO much longer to pack? And how can one little tiny baby's necessities take up so much room?

Side note, Eli and I got our flu shots yesterday and my arm stinkin' hurts today.... blah....

And of course, how can I possibly do a blog post and not leave any pictures?! So here you go...

Tummy Time!

Monday, October 12, 2009


As I stated in my previous post, I am attempting to make an effort to get caught up, not only for your reading pleasure, but so that I have the memories to look back on in the years to come!

Being away from family has been really difficult for Eli and me as I know it has been for our families (especially for the Grandparents!) At times I wish that we lived a little closer but we love Moscow and probably won't be leaving anytime soon! Therefore, it's extremely exciting when family comes to visit us! Just before I returned to work, Addison got the opportunity to meet Grandmom and Granddad and my sister, Amanda! While they weren't here at the same time, they were here within hours of one another! Addison had a wonderful time getting to know everyone! Some of her favorite highlights of the visits include:
  • Hanging out at the campground where Grandmom and Granddad stayed
  • Visiting the bears at WSU
  • Eating Ice Cream with Granddad (okay, Mommy did that part, but in a way, she partook as well!)
  • Going to the antique store in Moscow
  • Cuddling in Grandmom's arms
  • Cuddling in Granddad's arms
  • Cuddling up next to "B" in Amanda's arms
  • Shared many spit ups with everyone making sure to mark everyone's shirt at least once! It's her way of say, "I REALLY love you!"
  • Going shopping in Spokane
  • Avoided the widespread outbreak of Swine Flu (as did all of our visitors!)
  • Going to the Fair to see all of the farm animals
  • Going for a walk and stopping at the U of I bookstore to assist Amanda in finding a Vandal Dress for "B" (Pretty sure she nearly marked the yellow dress with her spit up! She apparently preferred the black dress over the yellow one!)
  • Sharing loves with EVERYONE!

As you can see, we were very busy having fun! Now we can't wait to go visit everyone again this weekend for Amanda's baby shower! (Addi and I will be flying down to Boise together...I'm a little nervous about flying alone with her. Wish us luck!)

Thank you Grandmom, Granddad, and Amanda for coming to visit us! We REALLY enjoyed having you! We can't wait to see you and everyone else this weekend!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where oh where has the time gone?

It seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago Addison was born, yet she's 2 1/2 months old! I can't ever seem to get any posts done and many family members are frequently asking about pictures...guess I've been slacking in that area! So here's the plan, over the next several days I plan to blog about several things including:

Grandmom and Granddad's visit
Amanda's Visit
Returning to Work
Erin and Bobby's Wedding
Amanda's Baby Shower
Getting Addi on a schedule-tips needed!
Weight loss (or the lack there of!) update!

I'm a checklists kind of girl, so consider the above my checklist of blog posts to be created! To be honest I should create some other checklists of things that need to be completed in my daily know those things that just keep getting pushed to the back shelf piling up and although mundane, they cause great stress in the middle of the night! You know what I mean?! Some day...some day my life may become organized again...

Oh and might I say that motherhood has become SO much more enjoyable over the past several weeks?! It's not to say that I didn't enjoy those precious early moments with Addi because I did immensely, it's just that now I'm able to enjoy so much more about everything! No more stress about feedings; no more stress about gaining weight (Addi, not me...I do just fine in that department!); no more fear of leaving her in someone else's care for the first time; no more postpartum blues! AMEN! Everyone kept telling me the first two months would be the hardest, and so far, I would agree!

Now I will leave you with some bath time pictures! This is by far one of Addison's favorite past times!
In the two pictures above, Addison is only 1 month old; in the pictures below, she is 2 months. It is truly amazing to see how much she has changed in such a short time!

Until next time....