Saturday, February 7, 2009


Eli and I have been keeping a little secret... WE'RE PREGNANT and really excited about this little one that will join us on or around August 21st! We were surprised to find out the news but overcome with joy! I can't even tell you how excited we are!

Here are a few pictures of little Baby Cann at 9 weeks! (I'm currently 12 weeks!) It was the most amazing thing to witness this little peanut squirming around inside of me! We could see his/her arms, legs, face and beating heart! Truly a miracle!


  1. WOW!!! Really... How come you didn't tell me. I had to find out through text message. That is crazy. Good thing I didn't find out through facebook... Oh yeah, I deleted it. Anyway, I wanted you to know that you are very beautiful, and 10 times more since you caught the prego bug. I can't wait. -ELi

    P.S. I have been telling poeple for the last few weeks. hahahaha love you

  2. FYI to all of you, Eli most certainly did NOT find out through a text message...but maybe for the next one! HAHA!!! ~Jess

  3. congrats on the baby! You'll love being a mom - most rewarding/difficult thing I have ever done! Hope your pregnancy goes well - i can't say i was a fun of being pregnant and i wasn't even really sick. don't let my bad attitude about being prego damper your pregnancy -- keep your blog updated on everything that goes on! Best of luck --

  4. I love yer pics!! I can't wait to see yer baby bump! hee hee love you!

  5. *cry* I am so happy/jealous/happy. I can't wait!
