Wednesday, July 22, 2009

3 Years!

Three years ago today I married my best friend!
I am so thankful for all that we have experienced together and for the love that we share! Eli truly is amazing and I am so blessed to call him my husband! Sometimes I catch myself thinking about him in the most random times, amazed that we began as high school sweethearts and are now about ready to embark on a new journey together...parenthood!
Happy Anniversary Eli! I love you lots!


  1. Happy three years!

    Good luck with the whole labor thing. It's getting so close... Can't wait to see the little Cann.

  2. sweet!!!! Congrats! You have a fabulous life you are living. :o)

  3. Awwww! I remember that day! You guys looked SOO's funny, I wore the same dress today as I wore the day of your wedding (though I look much better in it now - nearly 40lbs lighter!) But I heard little Addison arrived yesterday?? How amazing! Hope everything is going well and you are SO blessed.
