Thursday, September 3, 2009

My journey: Week 1

So I know it's not Friday but since I went to weight watchers today I thought I would post the results. Now, I am excited to say that my little runner at the bottom of our blog did move slightly towards the right of the screen but I can't say that it was because of hard work and diligently keeping track of my points...nope...I would have to say it was somewhat luck. I really didn't work hard; I tried to eat a little better and was able to make it out for three walks but that's really it...

So the results? I lost 2.8 lbs. this week! Now I need to get busy so it doesn't come back and so I lose some more!

So this week my goals are to:
1) Go for a walk with Addi at least 4 times this week. (We have yet to purchase a stroller so I carry Addi, but I am so thankful to Jan and Ken who gave us a baby carrier!!! Thank you so much...I wouldn't be able to take her on these walks if it weren't for your generosity!!!)

2) Track my Weight Watchers points for at least 5 days. You may ask, "Why not everyday?" Well, let's face it, I'm just not to that point yet...I need more organization in my life!

I'm excited to hear from those who are doing this with me! How was your week? What are your goal(s) for the week? Remember baby steps!!!

And the infamous quote that keeps me truckin': "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!" Good luck!


  1. Well I haven't had the best week either...I have worked out 3 times...and tried to eat better. I don't have scales at my house and forgot to weigh myself before I left work we are just going to assume I am pretty much I'm at the same point. My goals for the next week are to workout every day...meaning 5 days out of the next 7. Also to eat more protein and less sugar. And to weigh myself for next Friday so I have something to go by. Thanks for the motivation and the motivating quote!
