Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm ready...

I remember the day Eli and I moved into our apartment. It seemed surreal--so exciting to have a place of our "own". We've fixed it up into what we call our home and we are thankful for the roof we have over our heads. Yet, our excitement for this apartment has diminished as we have quickly out-grown it during these past couple of years.

I am SO ready to have a place of our own. A place where we can let our dogs out in the backyard where they can play and take care of their business. A place where we can turn up the music as loud as we want and not worry about bothering the neighbors. A place where we don't have to stress over others not cleaning up after themselves or their dogs. A place where Halloween pumpkins don't sit and rot 3 months after the fact. A place where cigarette butts are non-existent on the property. A place where we can paint the walls any color we desire. A place where parking isn't an issue. A place where our neighbors live more than a paper thin wall away. A place to call our own.

I'm ready. And although I'm looking forward to living in the new, high-end apartment complex for free sometime this fall, I'm not looking forward to the new frustrations that come with living in such close proximity to so many others. My prayer is that we will be able to save enough money to afford a down payment on a house next summer.

Does anyone else ever feel these frustrations?


  1. Jess-- Seriously so well put! I feel the EXACT same way! Joe and I are looking for a place right now and share all of the same frustrations. The two most important are 1. fenced backyard for our doggies, 2. cigarette butts non-existent (or even a few laying around would be better than it is). Of course all of the other frustrations mentioned above are almost as important.

  2. I hear ya! And can't wait for you to do a post like mine!
