Meet Oskar
Eli and I have noticed that whenever a commercial comes on that has a dog or any other animal, Oskar looses interest in whatever he is doing and focuses on the t.v. Tonight I purposely changed the channel to the Animal Planet. Oskar watched the t.v. turning his head up from side to side, even letting out some, "I want to go play!" noises! He also waved both front paws in a sitting up manner at the t.v. which means, "I want that!" Finally I let him run to the television where he put his paws up on the entertainment center hoping to get a good smell of those animals. To his dismay, the animals wouldn't come play! Good thing, we were watching an episode about lions!
Hey, Im glad you found me, hows it going? CUTE DOG, I love dogs, we had one but it got hit by a car! Sad day! Yep, 2 kiddos Crazy hu!! There so fun, I love it!!