Monday, October 12, 2009


As I stated in my previous post, I am attempting to make an effort to get caught up, not only for your reading pleasure, but so that I have the memories to look back on in the years to come!

Being away from family has been really difficult for Eli and me as I know it has been for our families (especially for the Grandparents!) At times I wish that we lived a little closer but we love Moscow and probably won't be leaving anytime soon! Therefore, it's extremely exciting when family comes to visit us! Just before I returned to work, Addison got the opportunity to meet Grandmom and Granddad and my sister, Amanda! While they weren't here at the same time, they were here within hours of one another! Addison had a wonderful time getting to know everyone! Some of her favorite highlights of the visits include:
  • Hanging out at the campground where Grandmom and Granddad stayed
  • Visiting the bears at WSU
  • Eating Ice Cream with Granddad (okay, Mommy did that part, but in a way, she partook as well!)
  • Going to the antique store in Moscow
  • Cuddling in Grandmom's arms
  • Cuddling in Granddad's arms
  • Cuddling up next to "B" in Amanda's arms
  • Shared many spit ups with everyone making sure to mark everyone's shirt at least once! It's her way of say, "I REALLY love you!"
  • Going shopping in Spokane
  • Avoided the widespread outbreak of Swine Flu (as did all of our visitors!)
  • Going to the Fair to see all of the farm animals
  • Going for a walk and stopping at the U of I bookstore to assist Amanda in finding a Vandal Dress for "B" (Pretty sure she nearly marked the yellow dress with her spit up! She apparently preferred the black dress over the yellow one!)
  • Sharing loves with EVERYONE!

As you can see, we were very busy having fun! Now we can't wait to go visit everyone again this weekend for Amanda's baby shower! (Addi and I will be flying down to Boise together...I'm a little nervous about flying alone with her. Wish us luck!)

Thank you Grandmom, Granddad, and Amanda for coming to visit us! We REALLY enjoyed having you! We can't wait to see you and everyone else this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica!!!
    It is so good to read your blog and keep up since I SUCK at keeping in touch! We must get together sometime soon. I think we will be going to the Adams Saturday night for the game.... maybe we will see you.
    Addison is SO ADORABLE! I love her hair. You are so lucky to have hair to put hair pretties in... I got a baldy....hehehe.
    How is work?!?!?! O.K. If we don't see you this weekend we must plan something for the next weekend. I will contact you. :o)
    Say Hi To Eli
