Monday, March 30, 2009


It's almost 12:30 and I have been trying to go to sleep for over two hours. My stomach is growling and all I want to eat is a cheese and pickle sandwich...BUT I shouldn't be hungry! Alright, I'm giving in, I'm eating the sandwich and then counting the zillion and one jumping sheep praying for some sleep! Man, tomorrow is going to be rough!

***Edit: I ate the sandwich, brushed AND flossed my teeth (wow flossing twice in one day, that's a MIRACLE for me!) and now I will attempt this sleep thing one more time.... Wish me luck!

Friday, March 27, 2009


So I figure I should post something, but really, I don't have much to post about so I'll just do an update on everything!

Baby Cann is doing really well! Lately I've been super tired (I thought this "side-effect" subsided during the second trimester but instead, it's gotten worse!) Both Eli and I are counting down the days until April 9th-the big ultrasound! We're both pretty sure it's a boy, but who knows, everyone around us is having a girl...maybe we will too! (Many people have asked, "What do you honestly hope it is?" And our honest answer is we don't care! It's exciting either way!) I was positive I felt our little baby a few weeks back but now I'm not sure. Now I think I may be feeling the baby, but I don't know for sure. How do people all of a sudden one day say, "Oh, I just felt the baby kick for the first time..." That's just not my experience!

Work is going really well for both Eli and me! Eli LOVES his new job! He is like a whole new person when he comes home! I think he found his niche in life as a salesman because he is doing so well! As for me, I too am really enjoying my job! It seems like each day I enjoy it more. At the beginning of the year I wondered if I would be able to teach kindergarten for a whole year. Once I got our routine down, figured the kiddos out, and gained my confidence as the teacher, I began to LOVE it! I'm really glad I'm going to teach this grade again next year!

That's what's going on in our life! I hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Last night Eli and I went to Hastings to rent a movie. After reading a friend's blog, I was interested in seeing the movie Fireproof. I had to twist Eli's arm, after all it's a story of a couple going through a difficult marriage and their process of finding God together. (Girl's, if your hubby is a little reluctant, just give him a few beers to sip on...It worked for Eli!!!)

Although the acting was not the best and it was a little hokey at times, the message was AMAZING! I really think that EVERY couple out there should watch this movie together no matter if their relationship is "perfect" or near destruction. There are SO many lessons that can be learned from watching this movie.

However, be forewarned, it is a tear jerker! As we all know, I'm very emotional, but with these pregnancy hormones I'm 10x more sensitive! About 20 minutes into the movie I asked Eli to go grab the tissues from the bathroom for me. By the end of the movie, I had gone through several and looked like I had been in a train wreck. (Not to mention how puffy my eyes are this morning!)

Anyway, I seem to be just rambling, but I REALLY encourage everyone to watch the movie with an open mind; it won't do anything but good for you and your spouse!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Memory Post!

I've seen this done on others' blogs and thought it would be fun to do on ours!!!

Think back to the first time you met Eli or me (or both if you're feeling really ambitious) and post your first impression/memory of me/him/us! I think this will be a lot of fun so I thank you in advance!!!

*If you would like me to respond by telling you my first memory of meeting you, I will happily do so (unless you're my family because I won't remember since I'm the wee little baby)!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Baby Update and Date Night!

We went to the doctor for yet another appointment and heard the baby's heartbeat! We were also very relieved to find out that the quad screen came back negative for all three birth defects! YAY! I'm so glad we did the test because now my mind is completely at ease! We're now anxiously waiting to see if we will be buying the color blue or pink! We will find out on April 9th! (We could have found out on your birthday Staci, but I couldn't make the appt. so we had to settle for a couple days later!!!) I am also eager to feel this little peanut inside of me move, but I don't anticipate much movement prior to our ultrasound!

Other Happenings:

On Sunday Eli and I ended up going on a date. It wasn't planned at all, it just kind of evolved. I needed to run over to Pullman to grab my lesson plans so I could work on them. On our way back Eli decided to drive through WSU campus and we found our way to the bears that are kept on-site there. They were out of hibernation and in full fledged "show-off" mode! It was so cute! I really wish I would have had my camera with me; they were almost as cute as the chimpanzees at the San Diego Zoo! Next time we go, I will definitely take my camera!

On our way back, we decided to use our gift card to Sangria, a yummy local restaurant! Because I was in sweats and my hair was pulled back in a pony tail, I wanted to go home first to get ready. Once we got cleaned up, we headed to the restaurant where we ate one of the BEST MEALS IN THE WORLD!!! (If only I could have had a delicious Sangria or glass of Merlot....mmmm...I did however enjoy my non-alcoholic Strawberry Lemonade!!!)

It was so nice to go do something unplanned especially since it ended up being REALLY cheap since we only had to pay for our tip! Those little spontaneous adventures really break up the monotony of our day to day lives!

***I'm also going to try to figure out how to make it so others can comment on our blog without having to use a google account. I know there is a way, I'm just not sure how! (If any of you bloggy know-it-alls have the answer, I would love to hear!!!)
UPDATE!!! I figured it out! Now anyone can leave a comment away family!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today I am having some blood work done so the doctors can do a screening for birth defects. This is an optional test that we opted to have because we both decided that we want to have a heads up so we can be prepared, mentally. It doesn't mean that we're going to make any rash decisions upon finding out the results. We both believe that our baby is in God's hands and his/her destiny is up to Him. I have had a handful of people question our decision to have this test which bothers me a little, but those who make accusations of our choice make me frustrated because this isn't anyone else's business but ours.

I hope that everything turns out looking "great" but in the off chance that there is a risk detected, we will cross that bridge then, hopefully with optimism.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Bachelor

Yes I am posting about a tv show, but I am absolutely shocked by everything that happened last night on the Bachelor. To be honest, I didn't really care if Jason picked Melissa or Molly; I thought they were both beautiful, sweet girls.

(Melissa and Molly)
In the end, he picked Melissa and proposed to her.

Then after six weeks in real world time but only 5 minutes tv time, he broke up with her in front of EVERYONE. Not only did he tell her that it wasn't going to work, but then he threw the dagger in by saying that he was going to try his relationship with Molly. Without much hesitation, Molly accepted and Melissa left the show in tears.

To be honest, I feel bad for everyone involved including Jason. He is a genuinely good guy who had a change of heart. No, I don't think his tact of breaking up publicly was right. I also don't think he should have immediately asked Molly for another shot. I worry that we will have regrets again. But in Jason's defense, what happened to his change of heart happens to millions of others during a relationship. I give him kudos for getting out despite all of the publicity.

MY ultimate thought on all of this is that the Bachelors and Bachelorettes shouldn't get engaged at the end of the show. Instead, they should choose someone that they want to date exclusively outside of the entertainment world.

I know many people are angry and think Jason is a pig for the way he treated Melissa and very few support his decision. What are your thoughts on all of this?