Saturday, March 21, 2009


Last night Eli and I went to Hastings to rent a movie. After reading a friend's blog, I was interested in seeing the movie Fireproof. I had to twist Eli's arm, after all it's a story of a couple going through a difficult marriage and their process of finding God together. (Girl's, if your hubby is a little reluctant, just give him a few beers to sip on...It worked for Eli!!!)

Although the acting was not the best and it was a little hokey at times, the message was AMAZING! I really think that EVERY couple out there should watch this movie together no matter if their relationship is "perfect" or near destruction. There are SO many lessons that can be learned from watching this movie.

However, be forewarned, it is a tear jerker! As we all know, I'm very emotional, but with these pregnancy hormones I'm 10x more sensitive! About 20 minutes into the movie I asked Eli to go grab the tissues from the bathroom for me. By the end of the movie, I had gone through several and looked like I had been in a train wreck. (Not to mention how puffy my eyes are this morning!)

Anyway, I seem to be just rambling, but I REALLY encourage everyone to watch the movie with an open mind; it won't do anything but good for you and your spouse!!!


  1. Hi Jessica,
    So yes, we saw this movie and I agree with you that it had a good message, BUT!!! I thought it was really cheezy. Like not very realistic, you know how they always just reacted so perfectly and when the wife told her husband that she just didn't love him anymore and he was all patient with her.... yeah not realistic.... :o) But I do think it had a good message like I said. And yes it was sad in some parts. I guess my mind is destroyed because there was no sex, drugs, or violence in the movie....hehehe. And it's so cute to imagine you and Eli watching the movie with a beer in his hand and kleenex in yours. :o)

  2. Love, love, love the movie too! The tissues are a must, I agree.

    Not the best movie for a first date, but great for those married or considering it! A pastor we know is using the book for pre-marital counseling!! That's how great it is! :)
