Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today I am having some blood work done so the doctors can do a screening for birth defects. This is an optional test that we opted to have because we both decided that we want to have a heads up so we can be prepared, mentally. It doesn't mean that we're going to make any rash decisions upon finding out the results. We both believe that our baby is in God's hands and his/her destiny is up to Him. I have had a handful of people question our decision to have this test which bothers me a little, but those who make accusations of our choice make me frustrated because this isn't anyone else's business but ours.

I hope that everything turns out looking "great" but in the off chance that there is a risk detected, we will cross that bridge then, hopefully with optimism.


  1. Good for you!! For standing your ground, I mean... we had those tests done as well, and for the *exact* reason you cited.

    We knew we would never, ever give up the pregnancy should something be "wrong," but we wanted a chance to learn and prepare, as the case may be, for whatever might be ahead.

    I'm sure you're well aware that our tests came back perfectly, as I'm sure yours will too. On the off chance that they don't, well, then, I know you two will handle the results with perfect grace and charm.

  2. I am sure everything will come out normal and healthy!!! :o)
    Thinking of you!!!

  3. The worst thing about being pregnant is hearing everyone's two bits about things going on with you and the baby... it get's worse (they cringe at the names you pick, whether or not you want to breastfeed, they can tell it's a boy or girl by the way your stomach looks -- just to name a few)! Don't worry about what people think when it comes to decisions you are making... who cares if you are getting the test done -- there is nothing wrong with being prepared. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

  4. Thank you so much for all of your support!

  5. You and Eli are strong, and no matter what I am sure you'll be able to handle it. More than handle it - embrace it!

    I always thought I "made up my mind" in this area, knowing I would give up the baby if we found it had a severe chromosomal defect. But then I watched a Lifetime movie called "The Memory Keepers Daughter", cried, and changed my mind.
